Saturday, July 18, 2009

Stay Classy St. Louis. . .

Calling all Cardinals Fans

Last night a friend of mine told a good story about a family of he saw pulled over on the side of the highway somewhere in Michigan, it amounted to Ma and Pa trying to fix the car while their two kids where wrestling in the grass on the side of the road. The funny part was their description, jean shorts, mullets, wife beater tank tops, and a couple trucker hats, to which I made the comment, "Sounds like a few St. Louis Cardinal fans got stranded in Michigan." The comment received more laughs than the story but also the ire of a couple members of our group, but it made me want to take a moment to appreciate the hardworking blue collar Americans that are St. Louis Cardinal fans.

Several times a year I witness these fans up close when they descend on Chicago Wrigleyville for a weekend Cubs v Cardinal series. Here is the mandatory Cardinal fan uniform 1. Jorts (jean shorts) preferably cutoffs 2. Cardinals T-shirt jersey (this is not mandatory evidenced by the picture above) 3. Mullet 4. Sandals with or without white tube socks 5. and the coup de grace trucker hats typically camo or blaze orange. So raise your Busch Lights in the air Cardinal fans this posts for you and Stay Classy.

He cut the collar off his T-shirt. I should try that sometime.

Fulfilling stereotypes looks like hardwork

Future Rhodes Scholar


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